
Essays, interviews, listicles, podcasts, and much more, covering all aspects of Yiddish culture.


Reclaiming Aspects of the Jewish Past and Remixing Them: An Interview with Performance Artist Julie Weitz

Weaver inter­viewed Julie Weitz about her ongo­ing Doikayt project: A series of rit­u­al­is­tic, impro­vi­sa­tion­al per­for­mances at Jew­ish sites across East­ern Europe.


A Chagall Mural for Brandeis University?

Even with a copi­ous­ly doc­u­ment­ed fig­ure like Cha­gall, mys­ter­ies can remain. What hap­pened to the mur­al he was sup­posed to make for Bran­deis University?


FENTSTER: A Window Gallery Exploring the Jewish Experience through Artists' Eyes

An inter­view with Cana­di­an pro­duc­er, cura­tor, and writer, Eve­lyn Tauben, about her found­ing of FENTSTER, a win­dow gallery in Toron­to that explores the Jew­ish expe­ri­ence through dozens of artists’ eyes


Illustrating Shabes: A Listicle

An artist and researcher shares her favorite illus­tra­tions depict­ing *Shabes* in Yid­dish texts.


Montage-Murals: Ella Ponizovsky Bergelson’s “Present Figures” (Berlin 2021)

This spring, Deb­o­ra Vogel’s poet­ry bloomed riotous­ly across the faces of three build­ings in Berlin. Pas­sages from the col­lec­tion Day Fig­ures (Tog-Fig­urn, 1930) appeared in Vogel’s Yid­dish and in trans­la­tions into Ger­man, Ara­bic, and Eng­lish, the let­ters of those four alpha­bets paint­ed along­side hobo hiero­glyphs, squat­ter runes, and pale­o­type. This series of cal­li­graph­ic murals is the work of Ella Poni­zovsky Bergel­son (b. 1984). 


Savoring Honey on the Page: An interview with Illustrator Paula Cohen

Mar­garet Froth­ing­ham and Paula Cohen dis­cuss fire trucks, folk­tales, and oth­er con­sid­er­a­tions in Cohen’s illus­tra­tions for this new trea­sury of Yid­dish chil­dren’s stories.


In Search of “Berlin Grandfathers”: An Interview with Arndt Beck and Ella Ponizovsky-Bergelson

Eka­te­ri­na Kuznetso­va inter­views artists Arndt Beck and Ella Poni­zovsky-Bergel­son about their recent exhi­bi­tion of Yid­dish-relat­ed works in Berlin, Di far­bloyte fed­er | Berlin­er zeydes.”


Transmission: In geveb Pencils in/as Art!

Artist and In geveb sup­port­er Saman­tha Wood incor­po­rat­ed In geveb pen­cils into a work of art now on dis­play as part of an art show at The Art Gar­den in Shel­burne Falls, Mass.


Body of Language, Transforming the Language and Culture Archive of Ashkenazic Jewry: An Interview between David Shneer, Rob Adler Peckerar and Alexx Shilling

David Shneer inter­views Rob Adler Peck­er­ar and Alexx Shilling about their project to bring embod­ied artis­tic inter­pre­ta­tion to bear on a lin­guis­tic archive. 


"Himl un Erd: Artifacts, Imagination, and Speculative Russian Jewish Pasts and Futures"

Lipsker reviews Yev­geniy Fik­s’s exhi­bi­tion Himl un Erd, a project that bold­ly probes the con­nec­tions between Russ­ian-Jew­ish his­to­ry and the Sovi­et space-explo­ration projects.