
Essays, interviews, listicles, podcasts, and much more, covering all aspects of Yiddish culture.


Freidus, Borokhov, and the Café Royal

Bak­er explores the career of Abra­ham S. Frei­dus, a reclu­sive, pio­neer­ing, and Yid­dish-the­ater-lov­ing Judaica librar­i­an. His research reveals the tight nexus that exist­ed a cen­tu­ry ago between a small coterie of East­ern Euro­pean-born Judaica librar­i­ans in the Unit­ed States; their phil­an­thropic patrons of Cen­tral Euro­pean back­ground; and the large­ly male, Yid­dish-speak­ing read­ers who fre­quent­ed the impor­tant Jew­ish libraries of that era. 


The Promise and Peril of Digital Research in Yiddish: An Interview with Gerben Zaagsma

Ele­na Hof­fern­berg inter­views Ger­ben Zaags­ma about his path to study­ing Yid­dish in the Span­ish Civ­il War; the poten­cy and the frus­tra­tions of dig­i­tal research; and the future of dig­i­tal stud­ies and Yiddish.


Asch Remembered: Sholem Asch Hoyz in Bat Yam

Sholem Asch’s arrival at the small house at 50 Arlozorov Street in the coastal town of Bat Yam, near Tel Aviv, was to be his final move in over two decades of trav­els. Six decades lat­er, the house has been care­ful­ly restored and reopened as a museum.


The YIVO Layoffs and the State of the Field: A Roundup of Perspectives and Call for Submissions

We are inter­est­ed in pieces that place the recent events at YIVO in the con­text of dis­ci­pline-wide trends, his­tor­i­cal, eco­nom­ic, schol­ar­ly and oth­er­wise, and that help us think through the broad­er forces that pro­duced this moment and its pos­si­ble ramifications. 


Vilner Yidishistn in Their Natural Habitat

Saulė Val­iū­naitė offers a glimpse into the sto­ried Velfke’s restau­rant, a gath­er­ing place for Yid­dish writ­ers, actors, and artists in inter­war Vilne.


Call for Submissions: Briv funem Arkhiv

Our new Briv funem arkhiv sec­tion will fea­ture short pieces about inter­est­ing, sig­nif­i­cant, fun­ny, or sur­pris­ing archival finds. 


The Bais Yaakov Project: An Interview Between David Shneer, Basya Schechter and Naomi Seidman

An inter­view with Nao­mi Sei­d­man, Chan­cel­lor Jack­man Pro­fes­sor of the Human­i­ties at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to, and Basya Schechter, musi­cian and founder of Pharoah’s Daugh­ter, who are work­ing on their com­pelling project called The Bais Yaakov project.


Body of Language, Transforming the Language and Culture Archive of Ashkenazic Jewry: An Interview between David Shneer, Rob Adler Peckerar and Alexx Shilling

David Shneer inter­views Rob Adler Peck­er­ar and Alexx Shilling about their project to bring embod­ied artis­tic inter­pre­ta­tion to bear on a lin­guis­tic archive.