

"I'd like to think that it's all my canvas" - an interview with Alex Weiser

Draw­ing from a kalei­do­scop­ic range of sources in his work, Weis­er engages in vibrant dia­logue with voic­es from the past while build­ing inno­v­a­tive son­ic worlds for con­tem­po­rary audiences.


Feminist Shtetl Horror: An Interview with Elizabeth Schwartz

A con­ver­sa­tion with Eliz­a­beth Schwartz, author of The Sweet Fra­grance of Life and Oth­er Hor­ror Sto­ries, on inter­act­ing with the hor­ror genre as a Jew­ish woman.


Fusing Klezmer and Kumbia Music: An Interview with Mariposas Galácticas' Jonathan Sidharta-Leibovic

Mari­posas Galác­ti­cas [Galac­tic But­ter­flies] is an eight-piece band from Philadel­phia that per­forms a fusion of kumbia [folk music from Latin Amer­i­ca], punk, and klezmer music.


Reviving Yiddish Theater in London and Recovering Female Playwrights: An Interview with Sonia Gollance

Tama­ra Glea­son Fried­berg sat down with Sonia Gol­lance in Sum­mer 2024 to dis­cuss Yid­dish the­ater in Lon­don, her trans­la­tion of Tea Arciszewska’s Miryeml, and what comes next.


Old Yiddish Scholarship in the Past, Present, and Future: An Interview with Chava Turniansky

Aya Elya­da inter­views Cha­va Tur­ni­an­sky and dis­cuss­es her career, her research, and the state of the field of Old Yid­dish lan­guage and literature.


"I'm Doing my Best Here!": An Interview with Tomas Woodski on Yiddish Language Activism and Creativity

A wide-rang­ing con­ver­sa­tion about the sta­tus of Yid­dish in Swe­den, cre­at­ing new Yid­dish tele­vi­sion, pro­mot­ing Yid­dish, and the inter­con­nect­ed world of Yid­dish cul­tur­al activists.


Reclaiming Aspects of the Jewish Past and Remixing Them: An Interview with Performance Artist Julie Weitz

Weaver inter­viewed Julie Weitz about her ongo­ing Doikayt project: A series of rit­u­al­is­tic, impro­vi­sa­tion­al per­for­mances at Jew­ish sites across East­ern Europe.


Training for Yiddish Instructors Based in The Latest Pedagogy Research: An Interview with Asya Schulman and Sonia Bloom

Jes­si­ca Kirzane chats with Asya Schul­man and Sonia Bloom to learn about the whats, hows, and whys of the pro­grams for train­ing Yid­dish lan­guage instruc­tors through the Yid­dish Book Cen­ter: the Yid­dish Ped­a­gogy Fel­low­ship, the Yid­dish Ped­a­gogy Practicum, and Advanced Yid­dish class­es for Yid­dish teachers. 


Visions for the Lefty Queer Yiddish Future: A Conversation

Ahead of Queer Yid­dish Camp and Rad Yiddish’s joint event A Cabaret Fundrais­er for a Lefty/​Queer/​Yiddish Future”, three co-orga­niz­ers sat down to chat about what brings them to this cul­tur­al orga­niz­ing work.