
The Latest in Yiddish Studies in English: 2023

Elena Hoffenberg

The lat­est install­ment of our annu­al effort to gath­er togeth­er the lat­est publi­ca­tions rel­e­vant to Yid­dish Stud­ies in English.


Yiddish and the Jewish Voice in The Zone of Interest

Justine Orlovsky-Schnitzler

Whether or not The Zone of Interest is a good film does not hinge on the usage of a minute-long melody. But I do believe its employment tells us the film was impeccably researched by a Jewish director with a clear vision for who ought to say what, and when.


New Inspirations for Jewish Music: A Review of the Concert Inaugurating this Year’s POLIN Music Festival

Magdalena Kozłowska and Maria Sławek

The POLIN Music Festival is an event dedicated to the broad spectrum of Jewish music. This year, the concert inaugurating the 6th edition of the festival took place on February 23rd at the POLIN Auditorium.


Reclaiming Aspects of the Jewish Past and Remixing Them: An Interview with Performance Artist Julie Weitz

A. C. Weaver and Julie Weitz

Weaver interviewed Julie Weitz about her ongoing Doikayt project: A series of ritualistic, improvisational performances at Jewish sites across Eastern Europe.


Loyt di Leyeners: Responses to “New Yiddish Poetry from the Israel-Gaza War”

The Editors

We are pleased to share these responses in order to broaden conversation about poetry in the midst of disaster.


“There is always more to explore here”: A New International MA Program in Eastern European Jewish Studies at the University of Wrocław – Taught in English

Anna Nienartowicz

This fall, the Taube Department of Jewish Studies at Wroclaw University is opening its doors to international students who don’t know Polish thanks to its International MA Program in Eastern European Jewish Studies, taught entirely in English.


A Chagall Mural for Brandeis University?

Jennifer Stern

Even with a copiously documented figure like Chagall, mysteries can remain. What happened to the mural he was supposed to make for Brandeis University?

In geveb, אין געוועב, is a sub­scrip­tion-free dig­i­tal forum for the pub­li­ca­tion of peer-reviewed aca­d­e­m­ic arti­cles, the trans­la­tion and anno­ta­tion of Yid­dish texts, the exchange of ped­a­gog­i­cal mate­ri­als, and a blog of Yid­dish cul­tur­al life. 

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