Texts & Translations

New translations into English of Yiddish language materials including poetry, stories, essays, and archival materials of all kinds. Original Yiddish texts are presented in a standardized orthography and are fully searchable.

Texts & Translation

אין דער צוקונפֿט־שטאָט עדעניאַ —3

In the Future City of Edenia (Part 3)

The third part of Zing­man’s Futur­is­tic Utopi­an Novella 

Texts & Translation

אין דער צוקונפֿט־שטאָט עדעניאַ —2

In the Future City of Edenia (Part 2)

The sec­ond part of Zing­man’s Futur­is­tic Utopi­an Novella 

Texts & Translation

חיים גראַװיצער (די געשיכטע פֿון דעם געפֿאַלענעם): פֿון דער חבדישער װעלט

Chaim Gravitzer (The Tale of the Downfallen One): From the World of Chabad

An extract from Fishl Schneer­sohn’s nov­el Chaim Grav­itzer: The Tale of the Down­fall­en One From the World of Cha­bad.

Texts & Translation

דער חובֿ

The Debt

An exclu­sive extract from Oedi­pus in Brook­lyn and Oth­er Sto­ries by Blume Lempel.